Here's a red hot take: post-Planning phase dial changes are really strong. Leaving aside the disruptive and generally frustrating effect they have on the game in general, there are few things more conducive to winning than looking at what your opponent has done, looking at your own dial, and saying "actually, no thanks."
Despite relatively wide availability, the generic crew upgrade Seasoned Navigator doesn't see significant play. Throughout all of 2019, it was only recorded as making three significant cuts, once at a Hyperspace Trial and twice at two System Opens. In all three instances, it was used on a large ship with access to Force (Darth Maul in one list, Han Solo with Rey crew in the other two).
History has not smiled upon Seasoned Navigator, but that doesn't mean we can't explore some builds with it and see if there might be something there.
"That navigator over there is playing Galaga.
Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did." |