This was a casual game I played on VASSAL in late April 2019. I've been experimenting with a bunch of permutations of four ship First Order lists, swapping out ships and upgrades and figuring out what works, so my approach is still very unrefined. Consider that my excuse in advance for a myriad of misplays (incidentally, that's the name of my forthcoming X-Wing self help book).
My list
4 Ship FO (or FO Salad, if you like) is an archetype that I actually suspect may be more diverse in options than its Imperial counterpart. Most of my First Order listbuilding starts with either Kylo Ren or Quickdraw; this one features the latter, with FCS and the SF gunner. I like Backdraft as well, not so much for the rear arc but mostly as a bulky initiative 4 shooter with decent upside. Recoil (today featuring Predator) is a recent experiment. I love the TIE Silencer chassis in general and I think there's some merit to the non-Kylo pilots (as does the current version of the impressive X-Wing Efficiency Model developed by noted blogger and good friend Bohan over at the must-read Star Hooters). Finally, Scorch is playing the role of Gideon Hask: a TIE Fighter with upside that has the distinction of being a decent-ish ship that fits, points-wise. I'm opting to punt on a bid and go to the full 200 by throwing Fanatical on everyone with an open talent slot.
Opponent's list
Not a meta list, but that doesn't mean you should sleep on it. A coordinated Boba (with two focus, thanks to Perceptive Co-pilot) and Fenn Rau are an alpha strike that is both punishing and resilient if faced head on. Both ships can be a real pain in the endgame as well; Boba can kite and live forever, while Fenn can arc dodge indefinitely until deciding he wants to kill his opponent, at which point he simply does so. Lando in the Escape Craft isn't terribly common, but he can be annoying. I won't say it's a fully optimised list, but the ships in it are sound and can do an awful lot of damage relatively quickly.
Opening Strategy
Well, we can remove one target from the priority list: I have zero interest in sinking attacks into Boba Fett while he and Fenn annihilate my list. I can do okay in a typical joust (at least on paper!), but I don't trust my list to kill super quickly (or at least not as quickly as I worry Fenn can). That means I'm looking to either take Fenn out immediately, or failing that, take down Lando and get rid of the support ship to remove the threat of a double-focus Boba. It's more likely that Fenn will go first, since Fenn tends to fly aggressively out in front to get the range 1 attack, while the Escape Craft is much more likely to sit back out of range and coordinate from safety.
Given the aforementioned threat of double focus and reinforced Boba, I'm really reluctant to straight joust this list. In a straight joust, my opponent's list can absolutely initiative kill Scorch or very plausibly take out Backdraft or Quickdraw without suffering any loss of materiel. That said, there's a reasonable argument for just straight jousting regardless, but it's a bit more risk than I prefer to take. Running a few of the more likely scenarios through the probability calculator, I see few outcomes where I do more than two or three damage to Fenn without suffering much harsher losses to my list.
I'll look to set up in a corner and hope that my opponent chooses the opposite corner. If not, I'll try to run down my edge of the board until I can come up with an engagement that feels more favourable. Fortunately, my opponent is trying to maneuver a Fang, a Firespray, and a relatively clumsy Escape Craft together, and the longer he tries to do that, the more complicated maneuvering should get. For my part, I'll look to keep my 4's generally together (with the option of breaking Recoil off as a secondary flanker) while running Quickdraw on a flank. Quickdraw is an interesting (and somewhat unconventional) flanker; he doesn't have the responsiveness or speed that you would like to see from the role, but he also has an unusually high burst damage output, so he can do a lot of damage to any element(s) of an opposing list that choose to turn on him.
I'm bringing small rocks with this list. I have no real reason to bring large obstacles of any sort, given that my TIE/sf's aren't especially maneuverable and I have nothing in my list to exploit obstacles in any way. Recoil also likes the extra space. Mostly, though, I just don't have any good reason to take anything else! My opponent brings gas clouds, which I don't think are a great fit for his list, to be honest. While coordinate can mitigate their impact, losing actions hurts Fenn badly, and Boba didn't bring a Perceptive Copilot to not take a focus action! Fortunately, they're not the end of the world for me; both Fanatical and Fire Control System can provide me with some mods despite losing actions, situationally.
My opponent gives me first player.
I don't have a super firm notion of what I'm looking for in a rock setup. I don't want a wide open field, as I don't want Boba boosting at will or Fenn given a ton of space to arc dodge, but I don't want things to be so clustered that my TIE/sf's become jammed up and predictable. So I go with a middle of the road approach, placing my first gas cloud (1) at R3 of my opponent's corner. My opponent chooses to corner with the second obstacle (2), which encourages me; if he wants to corner rocks, then in lieu of any better insight, that probably means not cornering them is the right move for me. I do another R3 corner deployment (3), which will also give me an ideal corner to start in with plenty of breathing room. His fourth obstacle (4) changes things up, so I decide to build a jousting lane setup by placing my last rock (5) in line with the previous two obstacles. As mentioned above, other than the initial engagement, I'm actually fairly comfortable jousting midgame, so clear jousting lanes for my SF's seems appealing. Opponent goes back to cornering with his last obstacle (6).
I place first and put all of my I4's in the top right corner. My midboard is an alternative, but my concern is that it would leave me with less room to get away if the opponent tries to aggressively joust from the start (which seems likely). The middle might have also let me set up a more favourable engagement by immediately heading right and using the top right cloud as cover, but generally I don't like to set up outside of a corner unless I have a very clear plan in place, and I didn't. My opponent places in the corner across the board, and I position Quickdraw just inside the bottom of the two midfield jousting lanes, intending to use him as a flanker unless another approach presents itself.
I don't have a super firm notion of what I'm looking for in a rock setup. I don't want a wide open field, as I don't want Boba boosting at will or Fenn given a ton of space to arc dodge, but I don't want things to be so clustered that my TIE/sf's become jammed up and predictable. So I go with a middle of the road approach, placing my first gas cloud (1) at R3 of my opponent's corner. My opponent chooses to corner with the second obstacle (2), which encourages me; if he wants to corner rocks, then in lieu of any better insight, that probably means not cornering them is the right move for me. I do another R3 corner deployment (3), which will also give me an ideal corner to start in with plenty of breathing room. His fourth obstacle (4) changes things up, so I decide to build a jousting lane setup by placing my last rock (5) in line with the previous two obstacles. As mentioned above, other than the initial engagement, I'm actually fairly comfortable jousting midgame, so clear jousting lanes for my SF's seems appealing. Opponent goes back to cornering with his last obstacle (6).
I place first and put all of my I4's in the top right corner. My midboard is an alternative, but my concern is that it would leave me with less room to get away if the opponent tries to aggressively joust from the start (which seems likely). The middle might have also let me set up a more favourable engagement by immediately heading right and using the top right cloud as cover, but generally I don't like to set up outside of a corner unless I have a very clear plan in place, and I didn't. My opponent places in the corner across the board, and I position Quickdraw just inside the bottom of the two midfield jousting lanes, intending to use him as a flanker unless another approach presents itself.
Turn 1
Nothing fancy to start things out. I don't like the joust so I'm going to turn south with my main forces while running QD across the board to set up a flank. If my opponent is faking me out and decides to turn here, I should still be able to adjust thanks to the gas cloud's position in my corner. Quickdraw's 5 forward will commit him past that small rock, but that's fine; his options are still pretty open for the next turn.
- Backdraft: 2 Hard Left, Evade
- Scorch: 2 Hard Left, Barrel Roll Left Forward
- Recoil: 2 Hard Left, Left Barrel Roll, Autothrusters Boost Forward, Stress
Good thing this isn't a formation list! I improved a bit, trying to get every bit of movement south along the board as possible while also getting Recoil into position ahead of the rest so that he can break forward from Scorch and Backdraft. I end up with a very ugly looking starting position, but looks don't win X-Wing matches.
- Lando Calrissian: 3 Forward, Focus
- Boba Fett: 2 Forward, Boost Right
The boost suggests Boba is fully on board with cutting off my escape down the edge of the board.
- Quickdraw: 5 Forward, Barrel Roll Left Forward
With Boba's boost, I'm a bit wary of he and Fenn biting a bit too aggressively on Quickdraw, so I improvise some more and get myself a bit more space.
- Fenn Rau: 4 Forward, Boost Right
Fenn follows suit with Boba. It would be awkward for Fenn to now try to get back to my starting corner, so next turn he is either hitting middle-east or gunning for Quickdraw.
No combat, so we're back to dials for turn 2.
Turn 2
Here, I re-evaluate my options and realise I need to change my plan, mostly thanks to the fact that my opponents ships both have boost and can chase me a lot harder than I can escape. If I proceed down the board with my I4's, I'm likely giving up free shots this turn, and my ability to effectively engage the following turn is awkward; I'd either be turning in and risk opponent ships arc dodging me, or K-Turning and lacking dice mods. Given that, I feel forced to abort my run down the board and turn back in. The bright side of this is that there's a decent chance Fenn doesn't get an optimal shot, as his current position requires him to roughly commit to one of three approaches: north of the top right gas cloud to catch my turn in, south of that gas cloud to pursue me fleeing, or south to catch and kill Quickdraw. I think north is the least likely of these, but really, there's not a lot I can do about it anyway.
As for Quickdraw, Fenn is a problem for him too. My sense here is that Fenn is dialling something like a 3 straight, which would let him either go for Quickdraw or my I4 guys if they were to be going down the board edge. This possibility limits Quickdraw's options. I no longer feel safe or wise going 5 straight, as there a lot of different ways that Fenn can catch that and heavily damage a Quickdraw that is unlikely to be pointing an arc at him. A soft bank in means exchanging fire if he comes at Quickdraw, but it also means no shot if he sticks to the north edge. I can 3 bank left in order safely avoid Fenn and regroup, but if Fenn is not pursuing Quickdraw, this puts QD out of the fight for a very long time (2 to 4 turns). I decide I need to go all in with my new plan of turning in my main forces, so I'll do a hard 3 with Quickdraw. It might result in an exchange of fire from Fenn, but that's difficult to avoid if my opponent chooses. If my opponent chooses a conservative move, it's also a move that might let Quickdraw get some damage in. At any rate, it's going to force my opponent to decide what part of my squad he wants to deal with (or encourage him to try to deal with both, a mistake I'd be happy to capitalise on).
Interestingly, this feels like a pivotal turn (perhaps the pivotal turn), which doesn't seem terribly common on turn 2.
- Backdraft: 2 Hard Right, Focus
- Recoil: 2 Hard Right, Focus
- Scorch: 1 Hard Right, Focus
This turned out decently, as it happens. Recoil and Scorch still have options open for next turn, and Backdraft is probably content to go straight and rear-arc something next turn anyway. I opt to focus here, even though I think Backdraft at least is in TL range of Fenn, just in case I get no shots at Fenn. Scorch remains in the back, as intended; he tends to die if not kept a bit safer than my other ships.
- Lando: 3 Forward, Coordinate Boba (Focus, extra focus)
- Boba: 3 Forward, Lock (Backdraft)
I half expected a Reinforce here, which suggests Fenn is coming north after all.
- Quickdraw: 3 Hard Right, Lock (Fenn Rau)
- Fenn: 2 Hard Left, Boost Right, linked Focus, Stress
Fenn did come north after all. My opponent mentions that he was expecting me to carry on down the board, so I think his plan was to attack with Boba here while setting up Fenn to chase from behind. The result is a pretty decent engagement for me, as only one of my ships is going to get disrupted by Fenn's range 1 defenses, Boba has no ability rerolls, and I have full shots on Fenn (if not Boba as well).
- Quickdraw attacks Fenn (range 3), FCS reroll, Fenn spends focus and Elusive reroll, no damage
Shooting at Fenn seems like the correct choice, especially as I suspect Scorch has no Boba shot. There's a relatively decent chance that I can kill Fenn here, but barring that, I should be able to get 3 damage with all of my guns, unless I spend most of my tokens on defense. I anticipate that Backdraft will be the only one getting shot at, though. Looking at the numbers, my 3 non-Backdraft shooters have a 62% chance of getting 3 damage and a 39% chance of killing Fenn.
- Fenn attacks Backdraft (range 1), 1 shield damage
- Boba attacks Backdraft (range 2), spends focus, Backdraft spends focus, 2 shield damage
Half points on Backdraft happens fast, but it's a fair outcome: 3 damage is a 65% chance there, with 38% chance of Backdraft taking 4 damage. Fun probability fact: .05% of the time, Backdraft dies from those two attacks. That's a very dark and salty timeline for this writer. Regardless, Backdraft takes expected levels of damage, which against a Boba/Fenn list suggests that this was a pretty decent opening engagement.
- Scorch attacks Fenn, Scorch takes stress for an extra attack die, no damage
- Recoil attacks Fenn, spends focus, 2 hull damage
- Backdraft attacks Fenn, no damage
- Lando attacks Backdraft, no damage
I come up a bit shorter than I'd hope on Fenn, but overall this turn was fine. I'm slightly up on points and have securely put Fenn into one-shot range. Against a list that I expected to lose a ship on the opening engagement to, this is a totally acceptable outcome.
Turn 3
Moving quickly into the midgame, I'm not convinced I can get a Fenn Rau kill this turn, but this does seem like a decent opportunity to splash Lando really quickly if I don't; I'll aim for the Fenn but anticipate Lando ending up as the target. I think Backdraft's move is straightforward enough (3 forward) that not only is it his only real move, my opponent will be anticipating it. That means Boba is unlikely do be doing a 1 left turn bump into Fenn, since Backdraft will prevent him from getting any angle change, and he'll be going faster than 1 forward. Most likely he banks toward Quickdraw to either get shots on my initiative 6 or rear arc shots on Backdraft; Quickdraw therefore will be doing a 3 bank right and hope to get past Boba's arc. If he bumps, I still have a modded shot on Fenn Rau, unless Fenn turns right and boosts. I'm okay with this, if he does, as that's a double tap (albeit unmodded) on Lando and safety from Boba. Scorch could either hard turn left in anticipation of Fenn going that way, or he can go straight to block Fenn trying to surprise me by going left/straight (and get a shot on Land as well). Recoil will go right as well; I'm hopeful that the 2 bank fits, and if it doesn't, I'm again still looking at a R1 shot at Lando. The alternative here is going 2 bank right to go hard on Boba, and that's a better move in a lot of respects, but I really would love to take Lando out here, and since I'm going to be somewhat short on dice mods, I'll need quantity over quality with my red dice.
I will say that, with hindsight, the better play might have just been to aggressively anticipate Fenn Rau doing a 2 hard right, as it's unlikely he does anything else given how ugly most other options would leave his position for next turn. Lando is not a ship that would really bother me getting free shots from behind, and keeping the pressure on Fenn seems like a good tactic. Most damning is when I think about who my opponent would rather lose if he had to choose; almost certainly, he would rather lose Lando, and therefore my decision here is questionable.
- Backdraft: 3 Forward, Evade
Fanatical really encourages me to value evade tokens a lot higher, especially on 2 agility ship like a TIE/sf.
- Recoil: 2 Bank Right, bumps Fenn
- Scorch: 2 Forward (clear stress), Focus
- Lando: 3 Forward, Barrel Roll Left Forward
- Boba: 1 Bank Right, Focus (extra focus)
- Quickdraw: 3 Bank Right, bumps Boba
Zero breaks to be caught on my maneuvers this turn! Fortunately none of them are catastrophic, so it's more amusing than anything (especially the Boba bump, where clearing would have been a happy surprise more than anything), although not bumping with Quickdraw would have protected me from...
- Fenn: 2 Hard Right (clear stress), Boost Right, linked Focus (stress)
- Quickdraw attacks Lando (range 3), 1 shield damage
Unfortunately, Fenn is just barely out of QD's arc, so I'm forced to take my only available shot. On the bright side, I chip in some damage in the process.
- Fenn attacks Quickdraw (range 1), spends focus, 2 shield damage
- Quickdraw spends charge to attack Lando (range 3), Lando take stress to reroll, 1 shield damage
- Boba attacks Backdraft (range 1), spends focus, 3 hull damage, Backdraft dies
- Recoil attacks Lando (range 2), no damage
- Scorch attacks Lando (range 2), no damage
- Lando attacks Scorch (range 2), no damage
A less good turn for me. Losing Backdraft and only getting half on Lando are disappointing results given the attacks being made, but variance giveth and variance taketh away. The bump on Recoil is especially painful, as a focus token there means a dead Lando. On the bright side, I still have a shield on Quickdraw!
Turn 4
Given positions, I'm a bit farther behind than I'd hoped to have been this turn, so I need to do some housekeeping, dedicating at least some resources to getting rid of Lando. Recoil is best suited to being able to kill Lando and get back into the fight quickly, so he gets the job. Scorch's turn is going to be a bit rougher, as I decide to hard turn him into the gas cloud; it will cost an action, but I anticipate no more than one shot on him this turn (possibly through the cloud, depending on where I land on it), if any, so it's probably a safe risk and sets him up well for the following turn. Quickdraw I decide to sloop left; this will give a bit of distance from Boba to avoid feeding him rerolls, as well as catch Fenn should he try to turn back into the top right corner (perhaps anticipating Recoil to be heading west).
- Recoil: 1 Hard Right, Focus
I consider failing a barrel roll to get stress and activate Recoil's Predator, but if I do get the Lando kill here, I plan to be Tallon rolling next turn, so I need to stay unstressed.
- Scorch: 2 Hard Left (clear stress), no action (gas cloud)
- Lando: 3 Bank Right, no action
I was anticipating something slower (and bluer), but I will absolutely take a range 1 stressed Lando.
- Boba: 1 Bank Right, Focus (extra focus)
- Quickdraw: 3 S-Loop Left, Stress
- Fenn: 2 Hard Right, Boost Right, Focus
I underestimated the angle QD was on from his Boba bump, and it looks here like Fenn may have arc dodged me. Mercifully, I learn momentarily that he did not, by about a hair.
- Quickdraw attacks Fenn (range 1), rerolls with FCS, 2 hull damage, Fenn dies
- Fenn attacks Quickdraw (range 1), 1 shield damage, 2 hull damage and Damaged Sensor Array
- Quickdraw spends charge to attack Boba (range 2), converts with Fanatical, 2 shield damage
- Boba attacks Quickdraw (range 2), spends focus, 2 hull damage, Quickdraw dies
A very bloody exchange, but I'm okay with it, all things considered. Had Fenn arc dodged me that turn, the next few turns would have been extremely awkward. With Fenn gone and Boba moving away, the amount of pressure being put on my ships plummets. I don't have a lot of damage still on the board, but Quickdraw did a fair amount of work before leaving, so I have the pieces to win, as long as I don't make any significant misplays.
Turn 5
Hopefully you didn't blink, because we've essentially moved into an endgame situation already. Recoil's a bit out of position, but a Tallon roll this turn positions him nicely to chase Boba no matter which way he goes this turn. I'm not actually sure which way Boba will go, but I don't strictly need to guess. The important thing is that I stay out of range 1 to avoid giving Boba rerolls, so I dial a somewhat conservative 2 bank for Scorch. A hard 1 is possibly better here, but I thought Boba might be heading south for the open area, where he'd be able to freely T-Roll or boost on future turns, so I opted for the bank.
- Scorch: 2 Bank Right, Focus
- Recoil: 3 Tallon Roll Right Forward, Stress
- Boba: 1 Bank Right, Focus (extra focus)
- Boba attacks Scorch (range 2), 1 shield damage
- Scorch attacks Boba (range 2), takes stress for extra attack die, no damage
Not terribly consequential, other than Scorch getting Fanatical activated and changing his action decisions for future turns.
Turn 6
Another straightforward turn. I figure Boba's move is probably a Tallon roll, since he's not going to be getting shots with focus this turn otherwise; his alternative to the Tallon roll is a hard turn to avoid the cloud plus a boost to get arc on Scorch. Either way, I'm just looking to keep Scorch's arc on Boba from a safe range while Recoil advances to add pressure, so both of my ships will 2 bank.
- Scorch: 2 Bank Right (clears stress), Lock (Boba)
- Recoil: 2 Bank Right (clears stress), Focus, Autothrusters Boost Forward, Stress
- Boba: 1 Hard Right, Boost Left
Boba goes with option B after all. Fortunately, he goes right, meaning that Recoil will be in the fight immediately. This is the worst case for Boba, as my best path for victory is essentially to get engagements like this, shooting at him twice and avoiding range 1.
- Boba attacks Scorch (range 3), 2 hull damage and Blinded Pilot
That's not how this was supposed to go! My risky call to grab a lock plays out in about the worst case scenario (at least excluding ones where Scorch just dies), resulting in me getting smashed and losing the ability to use my new lock.
- Scorch attacks Boba (range 3), takes stress for additional attack die, 1 shield damage
- Recoil attacks Boba (range 3 obstructed), spends focus, Boba converts evade with gas cloud, 1 shield damage
All told, an acceptable exchange. Boba is shieldless and in pretty poor position. Even if I lose Scorch, a full health TIE Silencer is still a reasonable match for a half-dead Boba.
Turn 7
Boba has a few options, some better than others. Both Tallon Rolls are viable, and if he goes to the right, Recoil might end up taking some damage while Scorch is forced to shoot through a gas cloud. My gut feeling is that he'll go hard right here to catch Recoil with mods while hopefully getting space from Scorch. I'm happy to trade a bit more damage, so I choose to run Recoil forward to meet him, while Scorch banks in. I don't anticipate Scorch being in arc this turn, so I'll look to risk fixing that crit now (hoping to avoid the mistakes of last episode).
- Recoil: 2 Forward (clear stress), Focus, Autothrusters Boost Forward, Stress
- Scorch: 2 Bank Right (clear stress), repair Blinded Pilot
- Boba: Hard 1 Left, Boost Left
A real surprising move here. Had Boba been trying to keep distance from Recoil, I would have imagined he'd have tried to do so in the turns previous, as doing so now sets him up for a terminal chase condition. This move feels like a real boon for my ships, who are poised to have great position for the next two turns at least.
- Recoil attacks Boba (range 3), spends Focus, 2 hull damage and Panicked Pilot (2 Stress), Console Fire
Boba Fett plunges right into the proverbial Sarlacc pit. This is a horrible turn of events for him, and it is extremely difficult to see any realistic way out now.
Turn 8
Boba had few options before the Panicked Pilot, and almost none now that he's received it. Conservatively, his only options are straight or banking, with banking the most likely in order to try to get to that gas cloud to protect himself from Recoil. I don't need to do anything super aggressive here, so I'm just turning hard with Scorch and advancing up with Recoil. Boba has one unorthodox play here, opting to keep all stress and perform a hard turn left toward that gas cloud. With Boba dice mods, it might very well spell the end of Scorch. However, between 2+ rounds of Recoil shooting at him and 3+ turns of Console Fire, I'm absolutely willing to accept that risk here.
- Scorch: 1 Hard Left, Evade
- Recoil: 2 Bank Left (clear stress), Focus, Autothrusters Boost Left, Stress
- Boba: 3 Forward (clear 1 stress), no action (1 stress remaining)
Not my first guess, but as mentioned, none of his blue maneuvers were anything I felt I needed to be worried about, so this is absolutely fine.
- Boba takes 1 hull damage from Console Fire, attacks Recoil (range 3), no damage
- Recoil attacks Boba, spends focus, 3 hull damage, Boba dies
The First Order triumphs, 200-122!
Closing Thoughts and Lessons Learned
Experienced players will sometimes scoff at the notion of "jousting fancy," in which two forces sort of dance around rocks for a bit and then just joust anyway. However, sometimes I feel that this is actually desirable, and this was one of those cases. I didn't have confidence in a straight joust, but my squad is still generally a jousting list, so I needed to disrupt the opening joust just enough to nullify at least some of my opponent's advantages. This time, it worked out great.
I find rear arc ships are easy to misplay. I see a lot of players (and for a long time I was included in this number) trying to kite with the rear arc, flying around and inviting the opponent to chase. However, while this is nice in theory, it's problematic in practise; the lead ship falls into predictable patterns, and ultimately (and counter intuitively) the chasing player can sort of "lead" the engagement. This could be seen in the last couple turns of this game: the moment Boba turned to be chased, I no longer had to do any complicated guessing or predicting. Just aim for the general area that Boba is starting his turn, account for a potential boost, and enjoy my shots. This is also why I generally don't try to rely heavily on Backdraft's rear arc, instead using him as a bulky 2-die attacker that happens to have a rear arc to punish enemy jousters K-Turning behind him and to discourage being backdoored. I can't take credit for either of these revelations; you'll find the link to that particular X-Winger's blog way back near the intro.
Incidentally, the one turn I tried to get greedy and find Backdraft a rear arc shot was the turn he got Thanos-snapped by Boba.
As mentioned earlier, I do think there were a few different opening approaches I could have taken, and I'm still not 100% on this list's opening formation or rock strategy, but the general approach worked out reasonably well here. Granted, this wasn't a fully tuned meta list, but it required some careful consideration to avoid being erased.
Not 100% on Recoil. I think he'll be great to punish lists with low initiative, but against higher initiative stuff like this, I could be getting the same performance out of a First Order Test Pilot. Or I could just use Tavson! More experimentation required.
Not 100% on Recoil. I think he'll be great to punish lists with low initiative, but against higher initiative stuff like this, I could be getting the same performance out of a First Order Test Pilot. Or I could just use Tavson! More experimentation required.
My play was a bit rough (especially that turn with the bumps), and in fact is about the third or fourth game in a row where I've won and have left the game feeling that I played terribly. Mentally, the challenge there is trying to focus on the positives and avoid beating myself up for imperfect play or finding myself in a negative feedback loop, especially if the results start to turn the other way. Certainly, the worst thing to do would probably be to write an in-depth dive where I analyse and agonise over all my misplays.
Oh, whoops.
As always, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read these. Please feel free to share your thoughts and observations in the comments below. How would you have set up here? Are you flying the lesser-known TIE Silencers, and if so, what have you seen? Please let me know!
Honestly I skimmed over a few portions, as my interest stemmed from the analysis of the list you were facing. Scum is all I fly and I've built similar lists to the one you beat here.
ReplyDeleteYour analysis of the opposing build gave me welcome insight. The phase by phase commentary provided a better understanding of the thought I should be putting in to each decision.
Having played in a couple LGS tourneys and two official events (both hyperspace), I'm a novice compared to most. Reading most of your blog has been enjoyable beneficial. Thanks for the effort you put in to making it and best of luck in all your pursuits.
I'm really glad you found it helpful, thanks for reading and commenting!